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Table of Contents

President Biden has Withdrawn.

President Biden has a few months left in office. Be prepared for anything he might leave us to help survive the terrible period to come. Be prepared with ACC applications and projects. Work to overturn lawn ordinances so the neighborhood level of enforcing fascism will have fewer tools. Use this site as a power map to know how to tell allies from foes, and seek out the allies with whom you've not previously connected. More than ever you will need community.

With Biden, what have we lost? The Warner/Kaine agenda is that everywhere you go, you will have to toil. And when you have reached your expiration date, you will quickly die. In that the Republicans are in agreement, and that you should resign to your fate and not hold fanciful aspirations. That is what is meant by "class." There is no exit.

We saw it here in Harrisonburg. For a time, this was a spot of heaven. An agricultural processing worker could enjoy clean air, drink pristine water from the tap, walk with their kids, educated in excellent schools, to forests and be in mountains after breakfast, unmolested, well-fed. When President Biden tried to build that into infrastructure with ARPA, Kaine and Warner intervened to wipe out the forest, break the power of labor, crisscross the city with gentrifying and segregating hurdles, militarize surveillance, and make us prepare to drink our own sewage – and pay for it, with free therapy to teach us to enjoy it.

Biden, on the other hand, had slain student debt, was preparing an outside option for employment, kids as a joy with no financial burden, built in to environmental protection that it would start and end with better lives and harmony with nature from the bottom up and middle out, and looked forward to us being able to be with our loved ones in their final days or times of need without losing our place in society. An internal restructuring of the world's biggest economy held hope of easing the horrors in the world flowing from its present configuration and within interdependent global systems. Better days were already dawning. It was too good to be true, yet it was real and already happening.

Never forget who killed this dream.

Biden’s decision did not have to do with any medical issues, a senior White House official told CNN.

Analysis of Calls for Biden to withdraw.

The historic first 2024 Presidential debate will be remembered as the moment when non-MMT economics was swept from the stage. President Biden went into the debate ill-advisedly prepped to debate in the conventional terms of the pundit class and the Larry Summers wing of his advisers. Trump threw a wildcard, sending Biden reeling, and Biden regained his footing by grasping for what he knew to be true. The Donor class was horrified. In his post-debate followup, Biden doubled down. The donor class now faced two overt MMT candidates: one prepared to give them tax cuts, and one prepared to build the economy from the bottom up and the middle out. Prospects were that Biden would defeat Trump, who though uncouth and distasteful to them, would at least safeguard their interests. The Democrats beholden to them brought in to a Biden trifecta would be there on an MMT vote, the final election of their career and no pathway to scuttle the Biden agenda the way they did Build Back Better. The Donor class has flown into a panic, scrambling to prevent Biden's name from getting to the voting booth, at any cost.

Those who want to see ordinary people prosper, have arrayed to defend. We have collected draft resolutions and sources for those who want to understand what is really going on, and to take action to defend democracy.

What this is Really About:

We are currently in a moment of an unparalleled display of internal contradictions. The media headlines are daily dominated by empty posts, bumping the story to keep it alive, or by bullying of a kid for stuttering. It should by now be plain even to people who are not familiar with regime change operations or stuttering.

What may not be as plain is, why?

Here's why: The Biden/Trump debate was indeed a disaster, but not for Biden or Trump. Trump landed a knockout blow in the first words of the debate. He correctly stated

"We got hit with COVID, and when we did, we spent the money necessary, so we wouldn’t end up in a great depression, the likes of which we had in 1929."

Trump stated the Modern Money Theory truth about how government finance works. Jake Tapper followed up with a question about the national debt, and again Trump got it right:

Just prior to COVID and even after COVID, it was so strong that we were able to get through COVID much better than just about any other country

That wiped out Biden's prep team. After being clobbered with those knock-out blows right out of the gate, Biden took a fall on the debate stage rather than throw obstructing Democrats under the bus– that, $8 trillion in fiscal space versus $4 trillion, and not neurology, is why Biden stumbled. Rep. Jim Clyburn described of Biden flailing in the deficit myth ropes:

I have been a part of debate preparation before, and I know when I see what I call preparation overload.

I saw Joe Biden grabbing for words and phrases and even numbers that he was loaded up with.

If you are going to have another debate, the preparation for that debate needs to be different. There's no question in my mind.

An hour after Trump hammered him with the truth at the very start of the debate, Biden grasped for a non-reformist reform, and stated it as such. President Biden went off script, went rogue, and touted the American Climate Corps as a pathway to tackling the Global Climate Crisis from its root causes.

Notice that no media outlet, fact checker, or concerned Democrat has pointed to the assertion of a 20,000 job youth employment program as a clearly confused response to something as big as the global climate crisis. Instead, they have gone into full panic mode, trying even harder to suppress Biden than they have Trump. Why?

Within the Democratic party, the lineup of people agitating to depose Biden is the same as that which worked to decimate the $6T Build Back Better effort – Warner doing the heavy lifting to get it downfrom $6T so Joe Manchin could finish it in the spotlight, and in Harrisonburg, at the micro level, to make sure its remnants didn't go to building structures of solidarity but to subsidizing developers and placing people under supervision. Those who fought for the full package are vocal on the other side, along with the Congressional Black Caucus, and the Congressional Hispanic Caucus. Everyone knows Biden is competent. For some, that is their dream, for the donor class, it is a nightmare.

President Biden then discarded his script and showed he too knows how it works, and that he had different plans than Trump, plans even worse for the donor class than Trump's. He doubled down after the debate.

The one thing I’m proudest of is, remember when my economic plan was put forward? A lot of the mainstream economists said it’s not going to work. Well, guess what? You now have 16 Nobel Laureates, 16 of them in economics saying that Biden’s next term would be based on what he wants to do and enormous success.

That 20,000 job program is just a prelude to a Job Guarantee, the core of what was once called a Green New Deal, now retooled to truly Build Back Better.

Biden has shown before that, if he can get his name to the voting booth, far more ordinary people are going to see which plan is better for them than plotters more interested in power than right are claiming. And that is exactly what they fear, as they try to speak an alternative truth into existence.

CNN inadvertently confirms:

“If you think that’s going to be an easy transition, I’m here to tell you that a huge amount of the donor class, a huge amount of the elites, a huge amount of these folks in these rooms that I see that are pushing for Joe Biden to not be the nominee also are not interested in seeing the vice president be the nominee,” New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said on an Instagram live chat on Thursday evening.

Some progressives have said behind the scenes, meanwhile, that they trust Biden to be more aligned with their agenda than they do Harris – and that is part of why so many have stuck with him.

Has the President stopped listening, or has he gone rogue?

Build Back Better opponents:

Sen. Jon Tester (D-Mont.)

Asked whether he could support a $6 trillion reconciliation proposal of which half of it would be paid for, according to reports by Politico and Bloomberg, Sen. Jon Tester (D-Mont.) said flatly, “No.”

Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.)

also raised concerns about the sheer size of the proposed reconciliation package, …

“We have to be conscious of the debt,” Manchin said.

He said potentially adding $3 trillion to the national debt is “a lot.”

Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.),

[said he] doesn’t agree with more liberal colleagues on how much to spend.

“There are going to be some hard conversations inside the caucus about what’s aspirational versus what’s real,” he said.

“I made it very clear that there are a lot of things that the president laid out, there are categories that I approve of. Some of the numbers I don’t approve of,”

Sen. Tim Kaine

Progressives were also facing pressure from Democrats who blamed November election losses on the infrastructure bill's delay, noted one progressive House staffer who requested anonymity to speak freely with The Intercept. Democratic Sens. Mark Warner and Tim Kaine of Virginia argued Terry McAuliffe, the party's candidate, could have won the governor's race if the framework was already signed into law.

Build Back Better defenders:

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY)

"Maybe they'll believe us next time. Or maybe people will just keep calling us naive,"

Also voting no on splitting:

Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO)

"We have been saying this for weeks that this would happen," "Having [the infrastructure bill and Build Back Better] coupled together was the only leverage we had. And what did the caucus do? We tossed it."

Biden Defenders:

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.)

“The matter is closed, …” “He is in this race, and I support him.”

Rep. Ilhan Omar

“the best president of my lifetime.” “We have his back.”

Rep. Ayanna Pressley.

“He’s our nominee and I think we’re losing the plot here,” “This is about real, lasting harm that will be felt by everyone who calls this country home when the federal government is dismantled as we know it.”

Rep. Cori Bush,

likened her fight for political survival to Biden’s and said the party must unite to defeat the influence of Trump-aligned “Maga Republicans”.

Rep. Joyce Beatty of Ohio

Democrats “shouldn’t be going rogue against our own president” and that Black voters are loyal and will continue to support Biden.

Rep. Frederica Wilson

"He’s committed to fighting for the soul of our nation and Black economic progress, and I stand with him for another four years because he’s consistently stood with my community."

Rep. Cedric Richmond (D-La.)

“I think it’s interesting that not one African-American member [of Congress] has called on the president to step down,”

Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.)

There ain’t gonna be no other Democratic candidate. It’s going to be Biden, and you better know it,”

Rep. James Clyburn

“We’re ridin’ with Biden”

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.)

Biden is one of the “more progressive” presidents since Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Rep. Norma Torres

“step aside and let Biden be who he is.” “This case is closed,”

Rep. Adriano Espaillat

“He was there for us during the pandemic, the biggest crisis of my lifetime. He was there for us and saved lives.

Sen. Chris Coons, D-Delaware

Biden “is the most accomplished and consequential president in my lifetime,”

Sen. Thomas R. Carper of Delaware

“I met him 50 years ago and he’s been my friend for 50 years,” Carper told reporters Monday. “I’ve supported him in everything that he’s run for. … I have no interest in walking away from him today, or tomorrow or the day after that.”

Sen. John Fetterman, Pennsylvania

“He’s our guy,”

Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz

“Joe Biden is, will be and should be our nominee,”

Biden Opponents:

Unnamed plotter

“They’ve outflanked us with the CBC and others,”

Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va.

Warner tried unsuccessfully days earlier to organize a meeting between Biden and Democrats concerned over his health and political viability, only to run into a defiant defense by the president and his allies, particularly Black elected officials in Congress and Virginia's General Assembly.

Sen. Joe Manchin

“Basically we’re to the point where, do you stick with plan A or is there a plan B?” … “We don’t know.”

Sen. Jon Tester (D-Mont.)

“President Biden has got to prove to the American people — including me — that he’s up to the job for another four years. Meanwhile, I’ll continue to do what I’ve always done: Stand up to President Biden when he’s wrong and protect our Montana way of life,

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA)

Schiff's Blue Dog past is most prominent in a 2005 speech on the House floor, where he demanded that Congress enact a "rainy-day" budget reserve. "A lack of revenue, uncontrolled spending and faulty planning have put our national debt so high that putting our fiscal house in order seems out of reach," Schiff said in that speech. "The Blue Dog Coalition has put together a comprehensive 12-point plan to make needed reforms to our budget process, and one of these critical reforms is the creation of a rainy-day fund to set aside money for good times to pay for disasters, which we know will eventually come."

Such a rainy-day fund would go even further than balancing the budget to create a surplus. Doing so almost certainly would require sweeping cuts to government agencies and benefit programs.

Insidious Non-supporters:

Sen. Tim Kaine

Kaine said Democrats who try to address concerns about Biden's age by saying that the presidency is a team effort help a bit to address worries.

"But it's not a complete answer. …"

Reps. Abigail Spanberger of Virginia and Lauren Underwood of Illinois,

changed the subject, declining to answer question as they ducked into an elevator.

Rep. Summer Lee

walked with headphones on, declining to stop.

Past Featured

Equity March

  • DONE distribute support material highlighting the place of MMT and a Job Guarantee in the fight for freedom, justice, and equality.

2024 General Assembly Legislative Agenda.

  • TODO Statements on VA 2024 HB528, conservation landscaping and HOAs.
  • DONE Bi-partisan win on HB985, state-wide coal tar sealant ban
  • TODO HB 936 Public school buildings; indoor air quality standards
    • TODO Reinstate Emily Yen, lobbyist pulled from this bill mid-session who is making the VEA a stronger, more equitable and democratic union with every win on her way to reinstatement.

American Climate Corps

Input Session.

Advocate for a Job Guarantee directed to community-led community development, not directed through local government and entrenched elites, not substituting for regular government functions, not tailored as free training bound for specific employers. See session II transcript and draft comment.

DEQ EPA Climate Pollution Reduction Grant

Additional Hearings.

See how our legislative agenda dovetails with examples from the guiding documents that it enables and with the ACC that provides an on-going funding stream.

Biden on cancel all student debt:

  1. Response to Biden Announcement. [Update June 30, 2023: still applies post-SCOTUS decision.]
  2. Biden on the bipartisan consensus "government doesn't have the money."
  3. Biden on education and preparedness
  4. Biden on education and social control .
  5. Biden on MMT, recovery, and student debt.

Congratulate Delegate Destiny Levere Bolling and Senator Lashrecse Aird and CD 07 Congressional candidate Elizabeth Guzman

for having the courage to denounce the New Right motive force behind "Right to Work," Reed Eugene Larson.

Who We Are

Click for cards or here for single sided promotion flier.

Meeting and Contact Information


Created: 2024-07-26 Fri 16:49
